Age is Just a Number: How Women 55+ Can Overcome Ageism and Follow Their Hearts

The hands of a woman over 55 that have been painted gold holding a large red heart-shape object representing women 55+setting aside ageism and following their hearts to live their best life with intention, passion, purpose and joy .jpg

Age is just a number, and it should never hinder you from living the life you want. You are never too old to chase your dreams.

Break free and live your best life with intention, purpose, passion and joy.

A Preamble

Are you hesitant to pursue your passions and follow your heart because of your age?

Unfortunately, ageism is prevalent among women aged 55 and above, making breaking free from societal stereotypes challenging.

However, age is just a number, and it should never hinder you from living the life you want.

In this article, you'll learn how to overcome ageism and gather practical advice on pursuing your passions.

We'll also showcase inspiring stories of women who followed their hearts and defied ageism.

The bottom line is this: You can always chase your dreams, and we'll show you how.

Breaking Stereotypes: Overcoming Ageism

Ageism is one of women's most significant obstacles when pursuing their passions at age 55 and above.

Society often associates aging with slowing down, being less productive, and losing one's edge.

However, the truth is that age is just a number, and your age should never be an impediment to pursuing your dreams.

Overcoming stereotypes is not an easy task, but it is possible.

  1. The first step is to change how you perceive yourself. Believe that your experience, knowledge, and skills are valuable and can benefit others. It's also crucial to avoid negative self-talk and embrace a growth mindset that sees challenges as opportunities for growth.

  2. Another way to break stereotypes is by challenging them head-on. If you encounter ageism, address it calmly and confidently. Educate people on the value and potential of older individuals. Showcase your achievements and talents, and demonstrate that age does not determine your worth.

Ultimately, breaking stereotypes requires resilience and persistence.

Keep pursuing your passions, and don't let ageism hold you back.

Surround yourself with supportive individuals who believe in you and your abilities.

Remember, you may be older but wiser, more experienced, and have much to offer.

Pursuing your Passions: What it Takes

Living your life on your terms and pursuing your passions can be liberating, and it's never too late to start.

However, it can be challenging to leap, especially when ageism keeps putting obstacles in your path.

Pursuing your passions requires not just determination but also courage and resilience.

  1. It's important to recognize that you have unique talents, skills, and experiences that you can tap into. Identifying what makes you happy and fulfilled is the first step to building a life that aligns with your passions. Taking small steps toward your goals can help you gain momentum and overcome doubts.

  2. Secondly, surrounding yourself with supportive individuals can provide the encouragement and inspiration you need to keep going. Joining a community of like-minded individuals can help you find your tribe and keep you motivated.

  3. Thirdly, it's important to acknowledge that pursuing your passions may come with risks and setbacks. However, viewing failures as opportunities to learn and grow can help you develop the resilience to push through challenges and become stronger.

In summary, pursuing your passions requires self-awareness, support, and resilience.

By tapping into your unique strengths, building a supportive community, and embracing challenges as opportunities, you can live a fulfilling life that represents who you indeed are.

Practical Advice: How to Start Living the Life You Want

Pursuing your passions is not always easy, but it can lead to a more fulfilling life.

If you're ready to embark on this journey, there are a few practical steps you can take.

  1. First, take some time for self-reflection. Consider what you're genuinely passionate about and how to incorporate it.

  2. Next, seek out a supportive community. This can be friends, family, or even an online group with similar interests. People who believe in you and your dreams can make all the difference.

  3. Thirdly, it's important to acknowledge that pursuing your passions may come with risks and setbacks. However, viewing failures as opportunities to learn and grow can help you develop the resilience to push through challenges and become stronger. Remember that the journey is just as important as the destination and that every step you take toward your passions is progress.

In summary, pursuing your passions requires self-awareness, support, and resilience.

By tapping into your unique strengths, building a supportive community, and embracing challenges as opportunities, you can live a fulfilling life that represents who you truly are.

Living proof of this can be found in the inspiring stories of women 55+ who followed their hearts.

Living Proof: Inspiring Stories of Women 55+ Who Followed Their Hearts

There are countless inspiring stories of women over 55 who have pursued their passions and followed their hearts.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Joy Harjo, the first Native American Poet Laureate of the United States, didn't start her poetry career until she was in her 40s. She went on to publish multiple award-winning collections and became a professor of English at the University of New Mexico. But it wasn't until she was in her 60s that she was appointed the Poet Laureate, a position that allowed her to use her platform to advocate for Native American rights and environmental justice.

  • Barbara Beskind always wanted to be an inventor but couldn't pursue that dream due to gender discrimination and a lack of opportunities. She became an occupational therapist instead but never forgot her passion for invention. At 91, she was hired as a designer for IDEO, a leading design firm. She now uses her life experience and knowledge to design products that serve the aging population.

  • Susan Boyle became an overnight sensation in 2009 at 47 when she auditioned for Britain's Got Talent. Her powerful voice and emotional performance of "I Dreamed a Dream" stunned the judges and the audience. Despite experiencing ageism and other setbacks throughout her life, Susan never gave up on her dream of becoming a professional singer. Today, she has multiple platinum-selling albums and continues to tour and perform.

These women's stories remind us that pursuing our passions and following our dreams is always possible.

Anything is possible with resilience, support, and willingness to take risks.


Ageism is a pervasive issue that affects many women 55+, but it should never stop anyone from pursuing their goals and following their heart.

By breaking stereotypes, pursuing passions, and taking practical steps towards living the life you want, age should not be a barrier to living your best life.

As inspiring women have shown, pursuing your dreams is always possible.

So, why wait?

Start today and embrace the possibilities that life has to offer.

As the saying goes, "Age is just a number, and you are only as old as you feel."

Further Reading

A Challenge For You:

  1. What is one thing you are holding yourself back from accomplishing because you are telling yourself you are too old? You may have to dig deep to explore your inner talk.

  2. Decide that you are never too old, and determine the first three steps to accomplish that goal.

  3. Take those steps - one at a time and at your own pace. Then, decide on the following three steps and proceed.

  4. Celebrate your victories.

  5. You are amazing!

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