The Ultimate Meditation Checklist for Women 55+ Who Want to Live Their Best Life

I created this checklist to suggest ways for you to be successful with your meditation practice. I use these techniques, and I know they work. I try to do my meditation practice twice a day for 15 minutes. It dramatically affects how I feel and how my day and evening play out.  Keeping notes will help you see your progress - over time.

Surprise Offer

You get the checklist and note pages in a nice package for $15.00.

Are you ready to invest in yourself for more calmness and clarity?

Do you want to feel more centred and make better decisions?

Do you want to feel you have more control in your life?

If you send me feedback on how this Meditation Checklist and Notebook has helped you, I will send you this free guide as a thank you. (A $22.00 value)

Click the button below to take you to my Contact page.

Fill out the form and tell me how your life is better after implementing the Checklist techniques.

I will send the Self-Discovery Workbook directly to you.

This is another step for you to take to Live Your Best Life!