From Overwhelmed to Empowered: How Women Over 55 Can Master the Art of Time Management

A woman 55+ looking at her wristwatch to support women over 55 with their time managment skills so they live their beat life with passion, purpose, intention and joy.

Women 55+ can master the art of time management.

Thus, they can lead an intentional, passionate, productive and purposeful life with joy in their hearts.

A Preamble

Are you struggling to balance work, family, and personal time?

As a woman over 55, effectively managing her time can be overwhelming, but it's not impossible.

According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, women over 55 are the fastest-growing demographic in the workforce, facing unique challenges and demands.

In this article, we'll explore practical tips and advice on how to master the art of time management, prioritize tasks, delegate, and establish boundaries, all while practicing self-care.

These strategies can reduce stress, increase productivity, and achieve your goals.

It's always possible to control your time and empower yourself. Let's get started!

Assess your Current Time Management Strategies

Assessing your current strategies is essential to begin mastering your time management skills.

Take a step back and evaluate how you spend your time daily and weekly.

  • Are you spending too much time on tasks that are not a priority?

  • Do you constantly multitask and need to fully complete one task before moving on to the next? 

Once you have identified any improvement areas, you can plan and prioritize your tasks accordingly. This will help you maximize your time and energy while focusing on what truly matters.

Create a Plan and Prioritize Tasks

Creating a plan and prioritizing tasks is essential to maximize your time and be productive.

  • Start by identifying your short-term and long-term goals, then break them into smaller, more manageable tasks.

  • Next, prioritize those tasks based on their level of importance and urgency. This will help you focus on what must be done first and ensure you save time on less critical tasks.

When creating your plan, it's also important to consider your energy levels throughout the day. If you're a morning person, tackle your most important tasks in the morning when you have the most energy. If you're a night owl, save your most important tasks for the evening.

Remember, it's okay to say no to tasks that are not a priority or don't align with your goals.

Be selective about the tasks you take on and delegate or outsource tasks when necessary.

Delegate and Outsource

When creating a plan to manage your time effectively, it's essential to consider what tasks you will prioritize and which tasks you can delegate or outsource.

As a woman over 55, you likely have a wealth of experience and knowledge that can be used, but you also don't need to do everything yourself.

By learning to delegate and outsource tasks that are not a priority or don't align with your goals, you can optimize your time management skills and achieve your goals more efficiently.

  • Delegation involves assigning tasks to others, whether a colleague at work or a family member at home. Identify the jobs that can be delegated and find someone capable of taking them on. When delegating, being clear about your expectations and providing guidance as needed is important.

  • Outsourcing involves hiring someone outside your organization or household to complete a task. This can include hiring a virtual assistant, a housekeeper, or a professional to complete a specific project. Outsourcing can be beneficial when you don't have the skills or time to complete a task yourself.

Remember, you are not admitting defeat or weakness by delegating or outsourcing tasks.

Instead, you acknowledge that your time is valuable and that focusing on tasks that align with your goals and priorities is important.

Establish Boundaries and Practice Self-Care

While outsourcing can help alleviate your workload, it's also essential to establish boundaries and prioritize self-care.

As women over 55, it can be easy to feel we must do everything and be there for everyone. However, this can lead to burnout and exhaustion, ultimately hindering productivity and time management.

  • Establishing boundaries means setting limits on your time and energy. It may mean saying no to specific commitments or learning to delegate tasks to others. It can also mean setting aside specific times for work and leisure and sticking to those boundaries as much as possible.

  • In addition to establishing boundaries, it's also important to practice self-care. This means taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. It may mean taking breaks throughout the day to stretch or move your body, practicing mindfulness or meditation, or making time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy.

By prioritizing boundaries and self-care, you can approach your tasks and responsibilities with a clearer, more focused mind.

Stay Focused on Your Goals

By prioritizing boundaries and self-care, you can approach your tasks and responsibilities with a clearer, more focused mind. This focus is essential to maximizing your time and achieving your goals.

  1. One way to stay focused on your goals is to review and update them regularly. Reflect on what you want to accomplish and why it's important. Please write down your goals and break them into smaller, more manageable tasks.

  2. Another helpful strategy is to eliminate distractions. Turn off notifications on your phone or computer, close unnecessary tabs, and set specific times to check email and social media. You can stay focused and progress on your goals by minimizing interruptions.

  3. It's also important to prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. Use a to-do list or planner to track what needs to be done and when. Consider using the "Eat That Frog" approach - tackle your most difficult or critical task first thing in the morning when you have the most energy and focus.

  4. Finally, don't hesitate to ask for help or delegate tasks when necessary. You don't have to do everything on your own. Seek support from friends, family, or colleagues, and delegate tasks to others when possible.

You can maximize your time and achieve the most important things by focusing on your goals.


Managing your time as a woman over 55 can be manageable.

By assessing your current strategies, creating a plan, delegating to others, setting boundaries, and staying focused on your goals, you can empower yourself to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Remember, you can control your time and prioritize yourself.

As the saying goes, "Time is a created thing.” So to say 'I don't have time' is like saying, 'I don't want to."

Take the first step towards a more productive and fulfilling life.

Further Reading

A Challenge For You:

  1. Please take out a piece of paper and divide it into two columns. On the left-hand side, make jot notes on what you dislike about your time management practices. On the right-hand side, make notes on the time management skills you like and want.

  2. Make a plan to eliminate or reduce those items on the left-hand side and incorporate those items on the right-hand side into your routines.

  3. Carry out your plan.

  4. Celebrate your victories.

  5. You are amazing!

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