Unleashing your Inner Child: How Women 55+ Can Reconnect With Their Playful Spirit

Four women 55+ having fun with each other at a walking fundraiser event - to spupport women having their best life with intention, purpose, passion and joy.

Women 55+ can learn to be playful and carefree and feel the sheer pleasure of being alive.

When they unleash their playful spirit and inner child, they live their best life with intention, purpose, passion and joy.

A Preamble

Do you remember the feeling of unadulterated joy when you used to play as a child? Running, laughing, and revelling in the sheer pleasure of being alive.

It's a feeling that we all crave, regardless of age.

Unfortunately, life gets in the way as we age, and we often lose touch with that playful spirit.

For women aged 55 and above, being carefree and playful may seem like a distant memory.

This article explores why and how you can reconnect with your inner child.

We'll cover the benefits of embracing playfulness, share tips for rekindling your playful spirit, provide exercises for tapping into your inner child, and give you ideas on incorporating play into your daily routine.

So join us on this journey to unleash your playful spirit and inject more joy, passion, and creativity into your life.

Why do we lose touch with our playful side as we age?

As we age, losing touch with our playful side is common.

The responsibilities of adulthood, work, and family often take precedence, leaving little time or energy for play.

But this loss of playfulness can significantly negatively affect our physical and mental health.

Studies have shown that engaging in playful activities can reduce stress, increase creativity, and improve cognitive function.

Embracing playfulness also fosters social connections and strengthens relationships.

We can experience greater joy, fulfillment, and overall well-being by reconnecting with our inner child.

The benefits of embracing playfulness

Engaging in playful activities lifts our spirits and benefits our overall well-being.

  • We reduce stress, increase creativity, and improve cognitive function by embracing our playful side.

  • By taking time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, we foster relationships with others and form new connections.

  • Playfulness can even improve our physical health, boosting immunity and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

  • If we make play a priority, we can experience a greater sense of joy and fulfillment in our lives.

Tips for rekindling your playful spirit

When life gets hectic, it's easy to forget the importance of play and joy. Reconnecting with our inner child takes effort, but the benefits are worth it.

Here are some tips for rekindling your playful spirit:

1. Make time for hobbies: Whether playing an instrument, painting, or gardening, making time for activities we enjoy can help us tap into our playful side.

2. Try new things: Learning something new is never too late. Taking up a new hobby or exploring a different part of town can help us break out of our routines and embrace new experiences.

3. Spend time with children: Children have a natural sense of playfulness that can be contagious. Spending time with kids - whether volunteering in a classroom or playing with your grandkids - can help us tap into our playful spirit.

4. Laugh more: Laughter truly is the best medicine. Whether watching a funny movie or attending a stand-up comedy show, finding ways to laugh more can help us feel lighter and more carefree.

By incorporating these tips into our lives, we can rediscover the joy and playfulness we may have lost touch with over the years.

Exercises for tapping into your inner child

One of the best ways to reconnect with your inner child is through play. But how can you tap into that playful spirit?

Here are some exercises to help you do just that:

1. Play with a child: Spending time with a child can help you see the world through their eyes. Join their games and activities and let yourself get immersed in their imagination.

2. Try something new: Trying something new can be exciting and scary, just like when we were children. Sign up for a dance class, take a cooking lesson or try a new hobby.

3. Get outside: Nature has a way of bringing out our sense of wonder. Go for a walk in the woods, picnic in the park or spend the day at the beach.

4. Mindfulness meditation: Mindfulness meditation can help us be present in the moment and let go of worries. This can help us let go of stress and be more playful.

By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can tap into your inner child and rediscover the joy and playfulness you may have lost touch with over the years. And once you've reconnected with that playful spirit, finding ways to incorporate play into your daily routine will be easier.

Ways to incorporate play into your daily routine

There are many ways to incorporate play into your daily routine and reconnect with your inner child.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Dance: Turn up the music and dance like nobody's watching. Not only is dancing a great form of exercise, but it also allows for self-expression and creativity.

2. Play games: Whether it's a board game, a card game, or a video game, playing games can be a fun and engaging way to spend time and connect with others.

3. Get outside: Spend time in nature and explore the outdoors. Go for a walk, hike, bike ride, or sit outside and enjoy the sights and sounds around you.

4. Try something new: Take a class, learn a new skill, or try a new hobby. Trying new things can be exciting and help tap into your creativity and curiosity.

Incorporating these playful activities into your daily routine allows you to rediscover the joy and fun of being a child. Once you've embraced your playful spirit again, finding ways to incorporate play into other aspects of your life will be easier, bringing more joy and fulfillment.


As we age, it's easy to forget the carefree and playful spirit we once had as children.

But why should we let age hold us from experiencing the joy and creativity of embracing playfulness?

We can inject more fun and passion into our daily lives by reconnecting with our inner child.

The benefits of playfulness are endless, from improved mental health to increased productivity.

So, take some time to tap into your inner child and let loose with some fun exercises. Whether dancing, drawing, or playing games, incorporating play into our daily routines can help us find a renewed sense of purpose and energy.

As the saying goes, "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

So, permit yourself to unleash your playful spirit and live life to the fullest.

Further Reading

A Challenge For You:

  1. Think of just three ways you would like to play.

  2. Visualize them as if those activities are already a part of your daily life.

  3. Make them happen in your real life.

  4. Celebrate your victories.

  5. You are amazing!

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