The Surprising Key to Finding Joy After 55

A woman in a plaid shirt standing in front of a brick wall holding the word 'joy' because - like woman 55+ - she want to live her best life with intention, purpose, passion and joy.

With age comes wisdom, and finding joy after 55 is possible and essential for a life worth living.

When women 55+ choose joy, they live their best life with intention, purpose and passion.

A Preamble

As we age, we yearn for a more profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. We strive to find that elusive happiness that we believe will bring us ultimate satisfaction.

But what if we've been searching for the wrong thing all along? What if the key to sustained fulfillment and satisfaction is joy, not happiness?

This article explores the difference between joy and happiness and provides practical tips on cultivating joy daily.

With age comes wisdom, and finding joy after 55 is possible and essential for a life worth living.

Join us as we discover the surprising key to finding joy after 55.

Understanding the Difference Between Happiness and Joy

To find happiness, we must first understand the difference between happiness and joy.

While happiness is often fleeting and dependent on external circumstances, joy is a state of being that comes from within and is unaffected by our surroundings.

Joy is a sustainable and fulfilling emotion we can cultivate daily, whereas happiness is often short-lived and dependent on outside factors.

Let’s explore why joy is more sustainable and fulfilling than happiness and provide actionable steps to help you cultivate joy.

Why Joy is More Sustainable and Fulfilling than Happiness

One must understand the difference between happiness and joy to find lasting contentment.

While happiness often depends on external factors such as success, material possessions, or even other people, joy is an internal state of being that is not reliant on outside circumstances. Joy is more sustainable and fulfilling than happiness because it's not subject to external factors and can be cultivated from within. When we experience joy, we feel a sense of peace and contentment that can withstand life's ups and downs.

Happiness is a fleeting emotion that can come and go quickly. We might feel elated after an outstanding accomplishment or receiving recognition from our peers, but this happiness can disappear just as fast as it came.

When we chase happiness, we often become fixated on outside factors beyond our control. We become reliant on other people's approval, success, or material possessions. This can lead to feelings of emptiness, dissatisfaction, and even depression when things don't go as planned.

In contrast, joy is a more profound and sustainable emotion.

Joy is rooted in our inner world and can withstand challenges and setbacks. It's not dependent on outside factors and can be accessed anytime by cultivating a more profound sense of inner peace and contentment.

Practical Tips for Cultivating Joy in Your Daily Life

One of the keys to finding joy in life is cultivating it within ourselves.

While happiness may come and go, joy can be cultivated by focusing on the present moment, practicing gratitude, and nurturing meaningful connections with others. Here are some practical tips for incorporating joy into your daily life.

  1. Take time each day to focus on the present moment. This can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths and noticing the sensations in your body, or it can involve more formal practices like meditation or yoga. We can experience a deeper sense of peace and contentment by bringing our awareness fully to the present moment.

  2. Second, practice gratitude by taking time each day to reflect on what you're thankful for. This can be done through journaling, prayer, or simply mentally acknowledging the good things in your life. Focusing on the positive can shift our mindset from negativity to joy.

  3. Finally, nurture meaningful connections with others. This can involve spending time with loved ones, volunteering in your community, or reaching out to someone who could use a listening ear. By fostering relationships with others, we can experience a sense of belonging and purpose that can bring joy to our lives.

Incorporating these practices into your routine can help you cultivate a more profound sense of joy and fulfillment.

Changing Your Mindset to Embrace Joy

It's natural to think of joy as something elusive, something we're lucky enough to stumble upon or doomed to live without. But the truth is, we can actively cultivate joy in our lives - and changing our mindset is a key part of making that happen.

  1. When we're open to joy, we're more likely to notice the small moments of goodness in our lives. This doesn't mean ignoring pain or difficulty but rather choosing to focus on the positive alongside the negative. It means intentionally seeking out moments of gratitude and celebrating wins - no matter how small they may seem.

  2. Another critical mindset shift is learning to let go of perfectionism. We often hold ourselves to impossibly high standards, which can leave us feeling disappointed when we inevitably fall short. But by embracing imperfection and practicing self-compassion, we can find joy in the journey rather than just the destination.

  3. Finally, it's essential to recognize that joy is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing process. It takes intentionality and effort to cultivate joy daily, but the rewards are immeasurable. By focusing on the positive, practicing self-compassion, and intentionally seeking out moments of gratitude, we can build a rich life with joy and fulfillment.


Joy is the key to finding sustained fulfillment and satisfaction in life after 55.

Understanding the difference between happiness and joy and consciously cultivating joy through practical daily practices is important.

Changing your mindset to prioritize joy is essential for a satisfying and fulfilling existence.

You can transform your life and experience joy, so take action today and embrace its transformative power.

Remember, as Maya Angelou said, "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with passion, compassion, humour, and style."

Further Reading

A Challenge For You:

  1. Decide on three things that would give you joy - one small, one medium and one significantly large.

  2. Decide how to incorporate those three things into your life and start now.

  3. As Nike says: Do it!

  4. Celebrate your successes.

  5. You are amazing!

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