The Surprising Link Between Exercise and Intention for Women 55+

A woman 55+ in a red coat and hat and hiking poles exercising to live with more intention, purpose and joy.

There is a strong and surprising link between exercise and living with intention.

Women 55+ want to increase their sense of purpose and live with more joy. Increasing activity is a helpful tool.

A Preamble

As we age, it's easy to feel like we're losing control and getting stuck in a rut. For women over 55, this feeling can be powerful.

But, there is a surprising link between exercise and living with intention.

Recent research has shown that exercise can boost our ability to live purposefully and have a strong mindset.

This article will explore the science behind this connection and dive into practical tips for incorporating exercise into your daily routine. Plus, we'll help you discover your 'why' so you can start living intentionally today.

Don't let age hold you back - it's time to take control, feel empowered, and unlock your full potential.

The Research: How Exercise Can Boost Intention

One of the benefits of exercise for women over 55 is its ability to strengthen the body and mind.

Building physical strength can improve mental resilience and cultivate a more positive outlook. In addition, a fit body can help us stay active and independent, allowing us to continue pursuing our passions and goals.

The Benefits of a Strong Body for a Strong Mindset

We can also develop a strong mindset, building a strong body.

Exercise has been shown to release endorphins in the brain, elevating mood and improving overall well-being. Additionally, regular physical activity has been linked to improved thinking and a reduced risk of cognitive decline in older adults.

These benefits not only allow us to stay sharp and focused but also help us maintain a positive outlook on life.

Loops and Ladders: Practical Tips for Incorporating Exercise into Your Routine

To begin incorporating exercise into our daily routines, start small and gradually build up to more intense workouts.

One suggestion is to use the ‘loops and ladders’ method, which involves repeating a shorter workout multiple times or gradually increasing the intensity of a workout over time. This allows us to improve our fitness level progressively and avoid overwhelming ourselves with too much too soon.

Another practical tip is to schedule exercise into our daily routines, just as we would any other appointment or task. This could mean waking up earlier for a morning walk or taking a break from work for a quick yoga session.

By making exercise a non-negotiable part of our schedules, we prioritize our health and overall well-being.

Additionally, finding an exercise routine we enjoy can make staying motivated and consistent over time less stressful. Trying out different types of physical activity, such as hiking, swimming, or dancing, can help us discover new passions and keep our workouts fresh and exciting.

By incorporating exercise into our daily routines and finding what works best for us individually, we can reap the benefits of a strong body and mindset.

Finding Your Why: Discovering Your Purpose Through Movement

Exercise is not only essential for our physical health, but it can also help us discover our purpose in life. Finding your why through movement can be a powerful tool for living with intention, especially for women over 55.

Physical activity can help us clear our minds and de-stress, making it easier to focus on what matters to us.

We can better understand our values and priorities by setting goals and working towards them through exercise. For example, if we gravitate towards strength training, it may be because we value feeling powerful and independent.

Incorporating movement into our daily routines gives us a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. As we challenge our bodies and achieve new goals, we can build confidence and resilience that spills over into other areas of our lives.

Moreover, trying out different types of physical activity can expose us to new experiences and passions. For example, we may discover a love for hiking or an interest in martial arts. These discoveries can lead to new hobbies or even career paths that align more closely with our sense of purpose.


Movement can be a powerful tool for discovering our ‘why’ and living with intention. By staying consistent with exercise and exploring different avenues for physical activity, we can uncover our values, passions, and a sense of purpose.

Incorporating regular exercise into your routine can do wonders for your mindset and an overall sense of purpose. Not only does it increase your physical strength, but it also boosts your intention and motivation.

Using practical tips like loops and ladders, you can make exercise a regular part of your life and discover your ‘why’.

Don't let age hold you back - it's never too late to start living with intention, and it all begins with incorporating exercise into your routine.

As the saying goes, "The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen."

So, get moving and start living purposefully today!

Further Reading

A Challenge For You:

  1. You know you could be more active! Decide how you are going to make that happen for yourself.

  2. Make a plan that includes fun and rewards along your journey as you step up your game. See my play on words? (Hint: Step up.)

  3. Carry out your plan.

  4. Celebrate.

  5. You are amazing!

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