Women 55+ Taking Control of Their Retirement

Money, an orange wallet and a plant.  Women need to be financially independent in retirement.

Women 55+ want to live intentionally and with purpose and joy.

Therefore they must prioritize staying financially independent and finding alternative retirement strategies that meet their needs and goals.

Why Women Over 55 Should Ignore Traditional Retirement Advice - A Preamble

Retirement is often depicted as a time of relaxation and leisure, but for women over 55, following traditional retirement advice could lead to financial instability and lack of fulfillment.

As women are told to save aggressively, reduce spending, and settle for a sedentary life, they must question whether these recommendations work for everyone.

This article will explore why traditional retirement strategies don't work for women over 55, the importance of staying financially independent, alternative retirement strategies, and embracing a lifestyle of purpose and passion.

By the end of this piece, women over 55 will clearly understand how to break free from the traditional retirement framework and create a fulfilling and financially stable future.

Why Traditional Retirement Advice Doesn't Work for Women Over 55

One of the main reasons traditional retirement advice is ineffective for women over 55 is that it often overlooks the importance of staying financially independent.

While women have made great strides in the workplace and in closing the gender pay gap, they still face unique financial challenges that men do not.

For example, women are more likely to take on caregiving responsibilities for children, elderly parents, or other family members, which can significantly impact their earning potential and savings.

Additionally, women tend to live longer than men, meaning they need a more significant retirement nest egg to support them throughout their golden years.

Retirement strategies need to take these factors into account.

Instead, they focus on saving as much money as possible and reducing spending, which can be difficult or even impossible for women already living on a tight budget.

Furthermore, these strategies often assume that women will have a partner who can provide financial support or that they will be happy living a sedentary life.

However, many women over 55 are single and want to continue working or pursuing their passions, which requires financial independence.

Overall, it's clear that traditional retirement advice needs to be improved for women over 55.

Instead, it's essential to prioritize staying financially independent and finding alternative retirement strategies that work for individual needs and goals.

By doing so, women can create a fulfilling and financially stable future that allows them to live on their own terms.

The Importance of Staying Financially Independent

Women over 55 must maintain financial independence.

These strategies don't consider that some women are single and want to continue working or pursuing their passions, while others may already live on a tight budget.

Instead of solely focusing on saving money and reducing spending, alternative retirement strategies should be considered.

In the following section, we will explore some of these alternative strategies that cater to individual needs and goals.

Alternative Retirement Strategies for Women Over 55

Instead of conforming to traditional retirement advice, women over 55 should explore alternative retirement strategies, prioritizing their needs and goals.

One such strategy is to consider part-time or freelance work, which can provide a source of income while allowing for flexibility and pursuing personal passions.

Another option is to downsize to a smaller home or relocate to a more affordable area, which can reduce expenses and provide additional financial security.

Investing in a new hobby or skill that can generate income can also be an excellent way to maintain financial independence and stay engaged in fulfilling activities.

Whether taking up a new language, learning to paint, or starting a small business, pursuing personal interests can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment while generating income.

Ultimately, the key to successful retirement strategies for women over 55 is prioritizing personal goals and passions while remaining financially independent.

By exploring alternative options beyond traditional retirement advice, women can create a fulfilling and rewarding retirement lifestyle that meets their needs and desires.

Embracing a Lifestyle of Purpose and Passion

Investing in a new hobby or skill can be a fantastic way for women over 55 to embrace retirement with purpose and passion.

It offers an opportunity to learn new things and provides a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

Whether pursuing a long-lost passion or exploring a different interest, retirement can be the perfect time to delve into something new.

It's worth noting that pursuing personal interests can also contribute to financial independence during retirement.

Starting a small business or monetizing a new hobby could provide a source of income, which can help women maintain their financial standing while also providing a sense of purpose.

By leveraging skills and talents in a new way, women can create a fulfilling and self-sufficient retirement lifestyle.

Embracing a lifestyle of purpose and passion can profoundly impact mental and physical well-being.

Engaging in fulfilling activities can help combat boredom or isolation, which can be expected during retirement.

Pursuing meaningful interests has also been linked to a lower risk of depression and improved cognitive function.


Retirement doesn't have to be a time of winding down and taking it easy.

For women over 55, it can be a time to explore new interests and pursue passions with renewed vigour.

By prioritizing personal goals and exploring alternative options beyond traditional retirement advice, women can create a fulfilling and rewarding retirement lifestyle that meets their individual needs and desires.

Women over 55 must break free from the traditional retirement framework and take control of their financial independence and personal fulfillment.

Leaving the workforce entirely and living a life of leisure may seem desirable, but it can lead to boredom and financial struggles.

Women can find purpose and passion while maintaining financial stability by staying active and engaged.

As retirement expert Kerry Hannon says, "Don't retire, rewire."

So, let's rewire our thinking about retirement and start living intentionally, with ambition and vitality.

Further Reading

A Challenge For You:

  1. What are your retirement strategies that prioritize your needs and goals? Take out a large piece of paper and coloured markers, your favourite app, journal, or an audio recording device. Pour yourself your favourite adult beverage, and listen to an inspiring playlist.

  2. Brainstorm all the strategies you can think of. Nothing is too silly. In fact, being silly and thinking outside the box is incredibly effective for finding solutions.

  3. After you have exhausted your strategies, cross off those that you don’t like. Add others that come to mind. Your task here is to narrow your list down to 3 - 5 viable options for the time being. This takes a lot of brain power.

  4. Start to put those options into motion.

  5. Celebrate.

  6. You are amazing!

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